Beyond the Bar: Non Alcoholic Trends in Corporate Events

The no & low-alcoholic beverage industry is expected to see a hefty annual growth rate of 7% through till 2026; and this growth is notably reflected in the rise in non-alcoholic beverage options in the corporate events industry.

The consumer market is continuing to grow due to a number of lifestyle trends and changing preferences. Some key factors in this culture shift are…

  • The rise in health-consciousness: Which has led many individuals to adopting more healthy lifestyle choices and cutting alcohol out their lives.

  • Social inclusivity: Non-alch options cater to a broader audience, including those who do not consume alcohol for religious, personal or health reasons.

  • Taste and quality improvements: This increase in popularity in the market has allowed non-alcoholic drinks brands to flourish, and improve the quality and taste of their products

A survey conducted by Distill Ventures found that 58% of consumers state they now drink “more no and low-ABV drinks than they did last year.” and that online searches for the word “mocktail” are up by 42%. Leading this revolution is Seedlip, one of the most prestigious non-alcoholic spirit providers in the world; we recently used their Garden 108 spirit in a mocktail as an arrival drink at our launch event with Zebox UK, and it’s safe to say that it went down well with the invitees.

This increase in popularity in the consumer market will drastically change how corporate events such as drinks receptions and gala dinners approach the drinks they provide in 2024 and beyond. Let's delve into how you can activate this trend in your events!

Working with Your Venue:

Many venues are now offering great non-alcoholic drinks options as standard on their menus, drawing away from the usual soft drink options found at drinks receptions. However, we’re noticing that it does come at a premium to offer equal non-acholic options and negotiation is key.

To make sure you can include these in your usual package, we recommend including within your brief to venues, allowing you to make negotiations to include these options, this will avoid additional budget later.

If your venue doesn’t offer non-alcoholic options, then challenge their F&B team to create a welcome drink that accommodates both, one of our favourite:

Virgin Blackberry Mojito arrival

* 1/2 c. packed fresh mint leaves
* 1 c. granulated sugar
* 1 c. water

* 1 c. blackberries
* 1 tsp. granulated sugar
* 1/2 c. lime juice
* Ice
* 2 (12-oz.) cans seltzer
* Fresh mint, for garnish"

Add 2 shots of white rum, to make an alcoholic option.

This allows you to cater for all guests, but not make it obvious who is drinking and who is not, making people feel more comfortable.

Engaging Local Suppliers:

If you’d like to go one step further and really explore this ever-growing market, then look local! Just like you hire a photobooth, a coffee car or taste activation! Non-acholic pop-ups are hitting the market.

A great example of this is one of our newest additions to our supplier network, Manchester based non-alcoholic bar, LoveFrom, who are pushing the non-alcoholic movement by offering delicious mocktails, craft beers, and a vibrant event space. They currently have a popup bar at Kampus in central Manchester, but also specialise in providing the most unique non-alcoholic beverage options to a number of events. 

From refreshing 'fizz' concoctions to sophisticated 'straight up' mocktails, LoveFrom elevates the non-alcoholic experience, and their curated selection of beers is vast, from names such as Lucky Saint (Our Founders Joseph's favourite) and Beavertown, who have both blown up since the start of the non-alcoholic revolution. 

LoveFrom's founder, Karl Considine, is a passionate supporter for inclusivity and mindful drinking. His podcast, 'What Next,' fuels the conversation about conscious choices and invites guests to share their stories of sobriety, sparking the dialogue surrounding the alcohol-free revolution. 

Karl is an advocate for the importance of ensuring a wide array of beverage choices for people embracing sobriety; in an interview with Manchester Evening News, Karl mentions that “Often, if you want a non alcoholic drink in other bars you can only purchase a soft drink. So, our drinks menu has everything to offer and hopefully it will open up peoples eyes to the options available”. 

Planners, ensuring a variety of non-alcoholic beverages could be your next addition to your corporate events! The UK's alcohol consumption has dropped by 15% over the past 15 years, reflecting evolving societal attitudes towards alcohol. Introducing non-alcoholic options embraces inclusivity and allows all to enjoy, while promoting more healthy choices and introducing a new concept to attendees who may not have tried this otherwise; there’s numerous incentives to consider testing this out at your next drinks reception or gala dinner. 

Check out LoveFrom’s website to see what’s coming up at their venue soon; and contact us to receive quotes on how LoveFrom can make an appearance at your next event. Stay tuned for our insight into more trends for 2024!


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